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Perpetual Planet: Heroes of the Oceans

May 25, 2022Category : Broadcast Natural History Science

Perpetual Planet was an extraordinary journey, taking us down to both Antarctica and South Georgia as we filmed bioacustician, Professor Michel Andre in his study into man made noise pollution and it’s impacts. Flying drone, running second camera, and recording sound, as well as the PTC content with Michel, I was also filming the king..

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Polar Extremes

September 23, 2020Category : Broadcast History Science

In Polar Extremes we venture across the globe, from the arctic realms of Ellesmere Island and Greenland, through baking deserts and bustling cities, down to the blistering cold depths of Antarctica. On these travels we discover the history of earths poles, from mile thick ice sheets, to tropical poles teaming with life. We learn how..

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